DO IT YOURSELF: Simple Potion Cures 100 Diseases!!!

DO IT YOURSELF: Simple Potion Cures 100 Diseases!!!

We all know that garlic is the most powerful natural remedy and that has numerous health benefits. People should definitely incorporate garlic in their diet if they want to stay healthy. You can eat raw garlic, but you can also prepare a potion which is even more beneficial and effective. This amazing potion will help you improve the working capacity of the organism or to purify the blood, improve blood vessels, the heart, strengthen the immune system.
People are using garlic when they deal with inflammation and different diseases. As you probably already know, you can use garlic in order to reduce excess weight and improve the metabolism.
  • Liter of wine
  • 12 cloves garlic
First, cut the garlic cloves into 4 pieces and put them into a glass jar.
After that, pour a liter of wine over the garlic cloves and close the jar.
You should keep the jar on the window sill in order to be exposed on sunlight for 2 weeks.
Shake the jar 2-3 times on daily basis.
After 2 weeks, strain the liquid and place it in a dark glass bottle.
Use this amazing potion for a month. Consume one tablespoon of the garlic potion 3 times per day.

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