How To Save A Person From Stroke Using Only A Needle?

How To Save A Person From Stroke Using Only A Needle?

Traditional Chinese medicine  talks about one unconventional method for saving someones life by using only   a needle so you should always have one in your home.
Traditional Chinese medicine  talks about one unconventional method for saving someones life by using only   a needle so you should always have one in your home.

If someone  gets a stroke, the brain capillaries gradually stretch.
So if you notice that someone of your  family member is having a stroke, you mustn’t move them because you will make  the capillaries to burst and  provoke  bleeding in the brain.
This is the right moment to take  a sewing needle ,quickly sterilize  it over a lighter or a candle  and prick the victim’s tops of all 10 fingers.
No need for some specific acupuncture.
Just prick few millimeters from the nail to allow blood to flow.
If it doesn’t, tighten and squeeze the finger .
When all 10 fingers begin to bleed, the victim will be back to life.
If their mouth is distorted, massage their ears until they redden, that is a sign that blood reaches them.
Next ,prick each ear in the soft part with a needle in order to drop two drops of blood of each ear.
Finally wait the person to come back to  normal without any other unusual symptoms and send him to the hospital right away.
Watch the video for more:

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